Building Abundant Success!!© With Sabrina-marie

John D. Kemp Esq. ~ Nat'l Leader in Disability & Civil Rights, ADA History Pt.1



Horatio Alger Award Winner ~ This July 26 will mark the 30th Anniversary of the American's with Disability Act. However this Act took about 50 years to be realized. This episode explores some of the happenings of getting to the historical ADA & a Disability Rights Leader who lived to see & participate with federal agencies & Congressional Leaders to help it happen. In February 2011, John D. Kemp, Esq. became only the fourth President & CEO of The Viscardi Center a non-profit organization providing a life span of services that educate, employ and empower people with disabilities. A renowned, sought-after global speaker, he is widely respected for his many achievements, both in the corporate and non-profit worlds. As a person with a disability who uses four prostheses, he inspires others to achieve the impossible through knowledge, experience, vision, personality, and persistence. Mr. Kemp graduated from Georgetown University in 1971 and Washburn University School of Law in 1974. He has received two Honorary