Straight Off The Top Of My Headlines

SOTTOMH Ep 26 - The Wizard Guarding The Animal Shelter



In this episode I honestly thought I was gonna do a short one but I was having too much fun to cut it short so instead we do our best to not set the house on fire, Lake Charles is full of mermaids, you must answer my riddles three to get to the animal shelter, Fiona the hippo revenge-eats Simba, dogs are more fascinated by lights than I would think, your racist aunt or uncle is only figuratively trash, Boxing Day isn’t really all that exciting, we’re all taking our trees out for a night on the town, bartenders are nice to talk to after dealing with unsavory family members, and Mariah Carey is out here crushing records. Follow me on: Twitter - @AJ_Ganaros Follow the show on: Twitter - @StraightOffPod Facebook - Tumblr - GMail - Find the show on - Soundcloud - Apple Podcasts - Google Play - Stitcher - Pod-bean Article Links: http:/