Straight Off The Top Of My Headlines

SOTTOMH Ep 41 - Michael Googlé



In this episode Daniel Spencer joins me and we have a wonderful time talking about a young child’s make-up crimes, Captain Breakfast, an endless supply of Rick Shaws’, the preferred transit options of the Bermuda Triangle, how shitty McDonald’s is, the chemicals in the air that turn the birds gay, eating the rich, the Paul Blart Mall Cop convention in Pauleigh North Carolina, the eldritch god of drawing dicks, and a fight entertaining enough to steal cornbread for. Plus we play a riveting game of Fuck Marry Kill: Florida Man Edition! Follow Daniel on: Twitter - @dantendo64 Follow his shows on Twitter: Kids On Bikes - @kids_bikes The Fourth Journal - @The4thJournal Apotelesma - @ApotelesmaP Find his shows wherever fine podcasts are sold! Follow me on: Twitter - @AJ_Ganaros Follow the show on: Twitter - @StraightOffPod Facebook - Tumblr - GMail - Support the show on patreon!: - Article Links: http