Zephyr Yoga Inspiration

Podcast – Yoga Nidra -Health & Healing



This Yoga Nidra is from Kamini Desai, PHD Yoga Nidra; The Art of Transformational Sleep When to practice: Whenever you can. In the morning as soon as you get up, either put headphones on if you share the room with someone or move to a room where you can practice undisturbed. You can practice in the late afternoon around when your blood sugar drops as a little battery re-charge. Yoga Nidra will help restore your energy and focus the mind for remaining activities during the day. You can also practice in the evening before bed. This will help release the activity in the body, the mind and the emotional body from the days experiences. Yoga Nidra can provide a deeper and more restful sleep resulting in a rejuvenating slumber that will help you feel more awake the following day. How to practice: Ideally make a flat bed on the floor with an extra cushion under the body and head as the weight after time will be demanding for the body. I would suggest if you have a wool blanket or sheepskin which will help distr