Vent With Trent The Gent

#8: With Laurell Black and Sylvia Drew Ivie of Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Sciences:



Sylvia is the Special Assistant to the President, and the daughter of Dr. Charles R. Drew, the university's namesake. Laurell is an admission counselor of the private, non-profit, Historically Black College and University and a minority serving institution located smack dab in the middle of Los Angeles."Is There A Doctor in The House?" Thanks to this institution there will be more children who dream and believe that they can become a doctor. I wish I can say that the university is a well-kept secret, but I feel that normally connotes that people keep the secret for selfish reasons. Being the gentleman that I am, I am proud to share this Los Angeles gem with you and yours.Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes: Trent on social media:Twitter: