Product Management Daily

June 11, 2018: Big data, Machine Learning, Autonomous Vehicles — Sorta



These aren't new themes in the tech world, but they carry some helpful tidbits for all product teams: - Data is telemetry, nothing more. Big Data is just more of it. Capture all you want and is valuable to your organization (as you should!), but don't expect data to tell you to do anything specific. - ML/AI is sensemaking. In lieu of trying to remove all bias, subjectivity, & assumptions, try this: intentionally, thoughfully, and build your biases into your data models & product experience. Refine as necessary. - Hardware/software distinctions are disappearing; it’s all one experience. Duh, right? But we're still seeing all kinds of gaps here. If you're not paying attention to the real environment in which your product lives, you're missing huge opportunities & possibly creating risks for your customers. Sponsored by Crema! Check us out at