Real Wealth Real Health

Personal Insights - My Control Issues & Full Moon Eclipse



Today's episode is another personal insights solocast. Mercury turns retrograde today and we're in the energetic portal of this huge full moon and the longest full lunar eclipse of the century, happening on the 27th. I've been doing a ton of inner work through writing my book, which has been deep and ongoing since early June. A lot of things buried in my subconscious and memories I have not revisited in many years have been showing me about my motivations, perceptions and why I made some of the decisions I made. Since the book is based on my public speech about 'Digging My Soul Out From Under My Ego', you can imagine what's been coming up! In addition to resolving some of the past by bringing it to light, I've also faced even deeper issues around control and fear. These are huge. They are universal, though they express differently for each of us. I thought I was over my need to control, but as it turns out, I'm not, though I am more aware of the malware in my psyche now! --- Support this podcast: https: