Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode 53: Why Your Fundraising Event ISN’T Generating 6-Figures and 3 things you can do to change that forever



Episode 53: Why Your Fundraising Event ISN’T Generating 6-Figures! Year after year, you recruit volunteers, plan the party, rent the venue, send the invites, but for some reason you only seem to break even or come slightly under that goal of hosting a 6-figure fundraising event. What went wrong? Where did you fall short? Like me, many of you are members of fundraising groups on Facebook. I think I’m a member of 5 or 6 for sure. And, I’ve noticed a theme in the kinds of questions being posted to the groups in regards to fundraising. This prompted me to create this episode to help YOU hear first hand what it takes to host a 6-figure event. PREVIEW If your new to hosting events be sure to check out my FREE mini checklist on how to create a pipeline of new donors for your next big fundraising event. I give you some ideas on where to host mini events. If you haven’t already grabbed it, the link will be provided below. SIMPLE BUT NOT EASY If I know you! I know you did everything I just mentioned and likely yo