Mom Wants More

Meet Our Mastermind



Last month on the podcast we explored the theme of Comparison and as we shift gears into this month's theme of Friendship, we can't think of a better transition than THIS week's conversation! Pursuing your passion can feel like lonely work at times but one of the best ways to combat comparison & competition is by finding your people, connecting with them, supporting them, and even collaborating with them. One way to do that is through a mastermind group. We've been blown away by the positive impact this has has in our own lives this year. Curious about what a mastermind is or how it works? Well today we're peeling back the curtain and introducing y'all to the members of our real life mastermind group. We're sharing some basic info on WHAT a mastermind is, how you can run it, and hearing from each of the ladies in our personal mastermind group on how it's impacted their businesses and personal lives.