Furious Fourcast

Furious Fourcast #8 - The Gotta Have a Hook Hour



The Furious Fourcast returns after taking a one week break while Scott was on vacation to talk about what the heck is up with Xbox head guy Don Mattrick leaving for Zynga of all places. While $50 million may have had something to do with that he leaves behind some problems like Microsoft's insistence of shooting itself in the foot by talking about Xbox One and advertisements with Kinect.Nintendo isn't spared either as the Wii U is in a world of hurt according to Michael Pachter and Jen, Robert, Adam and Scott don't necessarily disagree but for slightly different reasons.They also talk about the word from Double Fine about Broken Age being split into two games because it became too big for the $4 million it got from Kickstarter as well as a laundry list of games that are currently in the queue. This include the upcoming Nintendo 3DS title, [Redacted].As for the Burning Question of the Week, Scott asks, "What would it take to get you to see The Lone Ranger?