Furious Fourcast

Furious Fourcast #11 -- The Xbox Fishquisition Hour



The Furious Fourcast quickly went off the rails for the Episode 11 recording Thursday night and struggled to get back on the tracks. In between teasing Jen for her WoW fishing addiction, Scott dealing with a door to door salesman at a late hour and other silliness, the crew discusses whether or not the changes revealed in the latest Game Informer magazine article about Dragon Age: Inquisition touches their excitement meter after the disappointment that was Dragon Age II. Speaking of wavering between disappointment and excitement, the Xbox One unboxing video and the latest 180 that Microsoft has taken and the features locked behind Xbox LIVE Gold. They also touch on the Naughty Dog's alternate ending for The Last of Us in a slightly spoiler-ish section at about the 43 minute through the 48 minute mark so beware. Before that though, there's a little movie talk with the kerfuffle between Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis in The Expendables 3 and thoughts on the new Thor: The Dark World trailer. Check it out