Furious Fourcast

Furious Fourcast #16 -- The Quiet GTA Vita TV Hour



Illness struck the Furious Fourcast this week and....holy crap...it cost how much to make Grand Theft Auto V? Ahem. Anyways, the crew is a man and/or woman down for episode 16 as they talk the PS Vita, PS Vita TV and PS4 announcements from Japan and what it all means from our American perspective. Meanwhile, Microsoft employees are braving Reddit and NeoGAF to defend the Xbox One and Hideo Kojima was forced to respond to controversy over Metal Gear Solid V's scantily clad female sniper.  Plus, there's also a little talk about the Robocop trailer that looks like it may end up in the barrel of horrible remakes alongside Total Recall. And this week's Burning Question polls whether or not the newly announced iPhone 5S is enticing enough to upgrade.