Furious Fourcast

Furious Fourcast #23 - Titanfall, PS4, PS Now and Alien: Isolation Musings



The first full week of January definitely did not lack for anything to talk about as the Furious Fourcast crew fields a viewer question about Call of Duty: Ghosts that turns into a discussion about the Titanfall 6v6 brouhaha that broke out. Sony also racked up some big news at CES by revealing PS4 sales numbers versus the Xbox One and formerly announcing the Playstation Now game streaming service. If that wasn't enough, Valve's Gabe Newell dropped names on who is making Steam Machines and Sega surprised with a new Alien game that looks nothing like the so-so to awful shooters that have come out in the past. Jen, Robert, Max and Scott tackle all of this but also want to hear more questions from you. Post your questions at the  official website, YouTube channel or email them to furiousfourcast at gmail.com.