Real Talk With Nene

Cohabitation: You Ready or Nah?



Ever wanted to know if you should move in with your significant other? Is it really time for the next step? What should you consider before moving in with someone? I will answer all of these questions and hopefully give you some clarity when it comes to cohabiting with your significant other. As always, I give my own personal reasons behind this topic :) Also, my sorority sister, Emma Jackson @fromemmaj (I forgot to mention her name, I apologize!), is hosting an ALL-MALE event in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, April 27th, 2019 from 11am-1pm. The event is called For You, Too. More information is below! What: For You, Too is a mental health initiative to break the stereotype that meditation, writing and other forms of healing are ways for men,  especially men of color, to express themselves. This event will consist  of a meet and greet, meditation session, visualization and writing  exercises, and an awesome Q&A panel! When: 11 AM - 1 PM  on April 27th,