Take Care

Experiencing infertility



Infertility is not uncommon. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 12% of women between the ages of 14 and 44 have used infertility services. We're going to explore the topic of infertility -- a sensitive subject with some long held stigma. To cover infertility basics, Dr. Zaraq Khan of the Mayo Clinic is with us. Khan is a gynecologist working with those seeking treatment for infertility on a regular basis. He reevaluates the definition of infertility and provides insight on some causes of and trends in diagnosis. We then hear from a physician with CNY Fertility. Dr. Maribelle Verdiales works with couples seeking treatment -- from simple to more complex treatments. And with so many women and men experiencing the difficulties of an infertility diagnosis, we wanted to hear the perspective of someone who's been there. Karen Jeffries is a mother, teacher and part-time comedian. She's also infertile. The author of "Hilariously Infertile" shares her experiences -- highlighting some