St. Francis Sunday Sermons

The Sunday of the Resurrection (Easter Day)- April 1, 2018



Our full service for Easter Day. Celebrants: The Reverend Beth Sherman The Reverend Hannah Cornthwaite The Reverend Dominic George, TSSF Music: The St. Francis Choir- Dale Richard, Director Organ- Jason Jia Trumpet- Oscar Garcia Service: Prelude- 'Concerto in D' (Vivaldi) Processional Hymn- 'Jesus is Risen Today' First Reading- Isaiah 25: 6-9 Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24 Second Reading- Acts 10: 34-43 Sequence Hymn 191 (arr. by Shephard) Gospel- John 20: 1-18 Offertory Anthem- 'Christ the Lord is Risen Today' (Schweizer) Offertory Hymn 199- 'Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain' Communion Anthem- 'The Tree' (Schweizer) Processional Hymn 180- 'He Is Risen' Postlude- 'Fanfare' (Lemmens)