Her Story - Son Histoire À Elle

Jessica Lanyadoo



THE Jessica Lanyadoo was so kind and generous with her time in Montreal and sat down with me to answer some questions about astrology but mainly questions about herself and how she navigates this big bad world.  She spoke openly about how she communicates with the dead, and how once she surrendered to her gifts as a medium and psychic was she able to release pain and really step into her own.  She broke down some fundamental questionings that I had about astrology and spoke to how we can use it to harness our own energy, and understanding of life's  undercurrent, subliminally (or not) scoring our earthly experience.  If you already listen to her podcast- Ghost of a Podcast- or read her publications and follow her on social media, you already know how brilliantly she anchors the "woo" in everyday life.  Her approach is pragmatic and, in my opinion, serves the bigger picture.  From queer politics, to aesthetic beauty, to identity, to social justice Jessica speaks the truth about he