Movies N Sh*t

Episode 20: The One Where We Talk About Nothing



We kick off our 20th pod in perfect harmony.  After a short musical number and a quick catch up, we talk about the few flicks we’ve seen since last time (4:43) with a special emphasis on the undiscovered classic, Mr. Right (11:54).  We explain David Lynch to everyone (23:31), talk TV (28:01), and the latest in entertainment news (38:44) — Bond songs, Indiana Jones directors, and more! We attempt to discuss trailers (57:24) before Skynet does everything in it’s power to stop us (1:00:52).  But we regroup magnificently when Kelly tries, unsuccessfully as always, to stump Patrick in “Guess that Rotten Tomato Rating” (1:01:48).  As always, shout outs and hidden gems are delivered (1:09:04) and as always, Kelly fails to deliver on his promise to discuss the upcoming Amazon Lord of the Rings series with Patrick.  Lots of singing in this one.  Thanks, as always, for listening.  And please RSVP if you’d like to come with us to Point Break Live!