Saunders & Cash

How Local Entrepreneurs and Non-Profits Have a Global Impact Pt. 1



In part one of the interview on social entrepreneurship we introduce Cindy Miles of the Wichita Chamber of Service, Ginger Lobdell of and Katy Penner of Alegria Fair Trade. We learn from Cindy Miles  how the Chamber of Service helps establish non-profits that then leads to groups like SheHopes  funds it's operations with hand made goods from its clients in India and Kenya. After every trip to help villagers with self-defense training, job training and education She Hopes brings back hand made goods for sale in the U.S.. Alegria Fair Trade promotes fairly traded goods by marketing goods made globally by local artisans and craft persons.  When artisans and farmers receive a fair wage for their work, and shoppers can buy beautiful products and create opportunity, we all win. Find all three organizations on Facebook.