Saunders & Cash

Creating A Culture of Leadership Across Wichita Kansas



In this episode we learn from Damon Young and Dan Shurtz of Lead Wichita, what they are doing to build leadership across Wichita by participating in the Global Leadership Summit program. Leadership isn’t something we are born with; it’s something we learn, develop and grow. Leadership isn’t a position; it’s something we each have the opportunity to live out wherever we are. The next program is coming up August 8th and 9th and it will be held at the Intrust Bank Arena. But that is not all, the LeadWichita organization has partnered with a number of sponsors to drive down the cost of attending this two day event and they are providing lunch.  Last year, Wichita had the second most attendees of any location in the United States, so you will want to join your neighbors, co-workers, friends and go.  Lead Wichita's aim is to share with Wichita some of the country’s most influential leaders in faith, business and academia. So come join this coalition of businesses, churches, nonprofits and community leaders who, thr