Kevin Whitsitt

What is the Easiest Way to Start Affiliate Marketing in 2020? Does it Still Work?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 way to promote Affiliate Offers. Hello, today I want to talk about what is the easiest way to start affiliate marketing in 2020? Does it still work? I'm a big fan of inverting problems. Instead of thinking about what is the easiest way to start affiliate marketing, invert the question. What do you think is the hardest way to start affiliate marketing? Let's brainstorm a few ideas. It could be learning everything about affiliate marketing and never taking action. Too much this is all work and no results. That could be a hard way to start affiliate marketing. Instead of trying to learn everything, it might be better just to focus on 1 thing at a time and then take action on the thing you learned right? That could be easier. Another hard way to do affiliate marketing is when you make no money per sale. This was one of my problems when I got started. Maybe you sale a product and you make $1 per sale. That would be fairly difficult because you