Kendra After Dark

Cannabis Extracts with Bryant.



This week I sit down and chat with Bryant, the AZ Lab director and co-founder over at MPX. Melting Point Extracts is devoted to providing the cleanest and most effective cannabis concentrates for the community. MPX is currently available in AZ,NV and MD. Bryant goes over the process of making extracts and how he got to where he is within the industry. We talk about testing and product safety as well as thoughts for the future. Bryant brought along some awesome Live Resin to try and had some really great insight on cannabis and the community.  Time to relax and tune into the latest episode of Kendra After Dark. The podcast has been nominated for the Las Vegas Cannabis Awards podcast of the year!! Head on over to to vote daily until March 14th!  A very special thank you to our sponsor GLAUX CHEM® for making this year possible and believing in the podcast and our mission. Make sure you get yourself some skin care essentials at