The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

04 - Religion, Myth, Science, Truth



A discussion about Religion, Myth, Science and Truth. It was originally recorded by Transliminal in November 2015. Find the original video at 0:00 INTRO: PETERSON'S JOURNEY 9:45 RELIGION: CROWD-CONTROL, NAIVE SCIENCE, OR NEITHER? 10:08 "They're straw man arguments" 11:45 Multiple motivational systems, different levels of thinking 13:32 Fundamental presuppositions 14:13 Dawkins vs. Christianity: like a "smart 13 year old boy" 14:44 SCIENTISTS MISREADING RELIGION 15:52 Different systems of thought, different purposes 16:00 More than one basic assumption is possible 17:13 ENTER: DOMINANCE HIERARCHIES 17:19 What's real is what's persistent across time 17:33 Dominance hierarchies and lobsters 17:58 We're evolutionarily adapted to hierarchies 18:14 HIERARCHIES, RELIGIOUS THINKING, AND SUBJECTIVITY 18:42 "Being" as not reducible to material reality 19:12 The road to nihilism and authoritarianism 19:57 DETERMINING THE TRUTH OF A THEORY 20:07 Newton or Darwin? Choose