Time & Commitment ft. Nate



In the final 4 for 4 special podcast with Nate R. We discuss how to commit our time to our crafts and more specifically what Nathan is doing with his own time. There is no excuse for anybody not being able to get started on your own business; and as you can tell, the audio from these podcasts were not great but would I excuse not being able to find a good room to record in a reason to not record? No. We still did it, and this is still going out there for the masses. The only obstacle that we face — outside of death — is ourselves. We put a majority of the walls up that we have to face when those mental blocks can easily be extinguished if we just get started. Start the train, get it moving, and sooner than you know it, those 30 minutes a day, turns into 3.5 hours a week, which turns into 10 hours a week. Sooner than later, that time that you put into your craft, into what you love to do, will become your career. Be aware of this and make sure that you are living the life you want to be proud of and satisfied