Jochum Strength Podcast

Episode 28 - Carter Schmitz - The Gray Area, Mindset of a Kicker and Empowering Growth



Nugget Of the Day: “Confident but not cocky; courageous but not foolheartedly; competitive but a gracious loser; attentive to details but not obsessed by them… This quote leads us into our guest Carter Schmitz today! Carter was a teammate of mine at the University of St.Thomas. He has written blogs for the Jochum Strength website and is one of the smartest and most underrated strength coaches out there. Currently an accountant Carter has an interesting perspective on the Sports performance world and is know for his experiments and constant questioning!  Today we discussed the Gray area and how we can take two opposing ideas and mold them together. The mindset of a kicker and how that has helped Carter grow and Carters why behind Empowering Growth and how that has allowed him to take the world of accounting and apply it to the world of Sports Performance. I hope you guys get alot of nuggets out of this one!  Keep Chopping Wood