Short Cuts

Dancing on the Radio



Josie Long presents toe-tapping, choreographed short documentaries and adventures in sound about dancing. From falling in love with movement to the art of staying still. Vogue Featuring Darren Suarez Produced by Andrea Rangecroft Screen Test Featuring Lucinda Childs Produced by Hannah Dean With music by Kayla Painter Includes audio from the upcoming Andy Warhol exhibition at Tate Modern It's a Commitment (Extract) Originally made for the Smash/Cut podcast Featuring Dr Brenda Dixon Gottschild and Dr Halifu Osumare Produced by Alexander Charles Adams and Margaret Laurena Kemp Music Credits: Revolution Void, Lloyd Rodgers, Kitchen Romance, and Alexander Charles Adams Production Team: Andrea Rangecroft and Alia Cassam Series Producer: Eleanor McDowall A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4