Happy Hour With Dennis And Erik

Ep. 8 - Hokey, Pokey, Spooky



Buy a round! Become a Patron! Links Blackstreet - No Diggity ft. Dr. Dre, Queen Pen (YouTube) Sagardotegi - the type of cider house in the Basque Country (Wikipedia) The Long Pour: Sidra de Asturias The long pour is serious stuff for sidra enthusiasts, and there are certain rules to achieving the perfect long pour. For starters, the glass is held with the thumb and forefinger, with the middle finger supporting the bottom of the glass (and the ring and pinky finger tucked away in the palm of the hand). The arm holding the glass must be stretched down straight with the glass held at the center of the body. The arm holding the bottle must be stretched straight and high above the head. When the bottle is tipped and the cider is poured, the stream of cider must find the glass while the glass stays still. It’s the responsibility of the cider-pourer to ensure that the cider foams. Great video shot by an American demonstrating the Basque cider house experience (YouTube) International Animal Sounds (ESL) Chicken D