Grumpy Old Gamers

splat book settings film nerds



ok, how do i write up this episode? why? we move all over the place with this one. there is a lot of film talk here but we also talk about gaming and how content is churned out. from here we go back to film talk and how they are built. you want to know what films we talk about? here is the list: Apostle The Day of the Jackal (1973) Heat The Manchurian Candidate (1962) No Country of Old Men Ocean's 11 (original) Ocean's 11 (remake) Ocean's 12 Primal Fear (1996) Raid Ronin There Will Be Blood as always if you have comments or want to subscribe at your provider of choice here, you go. twitter apple itunes google play spotify stitcher radio public Also if you like what we do, we will not say no to your money.