Grumpy Old Gamers

follow the bouncing topics



in this episode, we cover a lot of topics. from play style, to design, and well, a lot. we also talk about the Cyberpunk Red Jump Start Kit.before you ask, yes the episode changes topics randomly, but this is how we record. we go in with no plan and we talk. once we reach the end of a topic we finish.however, we keep on talking. then inadvertently we hit on another topic and hit record.this continues over and over until either we run out of steam, we start talking nonsense, or one of us needs to go.  as always if you have comments or want to subscribe at your provider of choice here, you go.thegrumpyoldgamers@gmail.comtwitterapple itunesgoogle playspotifystitcherradio publicAlso if you like what we do, we will not say no to your money.