Dr. Erin L. Albert - Fridays




Happy Friday - y'all! We made it another week! I just have two monster projects cooking over here right now. 1. At ASCP - BESCPC - The Business and Entrepreneurship in Senior Care Pharmacist/cy Certificate! https://annual.ascp.com/schedule/interactive.html 2. At Butler U - Dr. Albert is on the countdown clock to go BACK TO SCHOOL the old school way - the day after labor day! Teaching the new Nontraditional Healthcare Professional Elective! WOOOOT! BTW - here's the link to The Business of Pharmacy Podcast where I talk to host Mike about some of the work we've been up to: https://anchor.fm/mikekoelzer/episodes/Dr--Erin-L--Albert-Purpose-and-Passion-e4rn9v Merriest of weekends!