Pat's View: Inspirational Stories

Is perfectionism keeping you from creating a masterpiece?



I want to show you what I'm talking about in this podcast. Here's the link.  Is Perfectionism keeping you from creating a masterpiece? Is perfectionism stopping you? It's not your friend!  I want to show you something. It's only a tiny square of one of Vincent Van Gogh's earliest works. If you're expecting to see the polished, flawless perfection of Gerret Willemsz Heda ( who painstakingly smooths all the tracks of his works; then you'll be dissappointed.   Look the heavy brush strokes. For most people the sand in the paint would be reason enough to throw it away? Not to mention the uneven strokes!  The Big Picture It was the messiness of the strokes, the dull beige and the sad grey colors, even the sand embedded in the paint that makes this painting powerful.  Zoomed in As long as I was zoomed in on a single corner all I could see was messy...I don't like messy. Do you?  Perfectionism says, "Messy is bad. It has to be perfect." Zoomed Out But when I zoomed out to see the big picture, I didn't see messy anymo