More Mojo For Mums

Calm and Confident Mum Free Workshop this Sunday



What I want most as a mum is to feel that I am doing the best that I can for my children. I want to feel confident in my actions and my decisions. I want to be able to remain calm and steady so that I can hold the space for my children and teach them by example. For months I’ve been really struggling with keeping my shit together let alone being the calm and confident mother I thought I would be. Since I’m a qualified therapist I thought I would get on and write a hypnosis track to support myself in becoming the mother I know I can be. I am now ready to share this powerful recording with you and I will be running a free workshop this Sunday evening to support you to become a calmer and more confident mum. I have chosen to host this on Sunday evening so we can all go into half term with purpose and confidence! It will be a 30 minute workshop and 15 minutes Q & A so done and dusted by 9pm. Thank you to everyone who completed the questionnaire months ago all of your comments and intentions have been w