More Mojo For Mums

Why your support network should resemble a basketball team



There are the five types of people you need in your support network. Last Wednesday I was really struggling, I have an important decision to make and I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious. I reached out within the More Mojo For Mums Facebook group and the love and support I received from the members just blew me away. Immediately people were replying asking if I was okay, suggesting different ways to look at the situation and people I could talk to for advice. It got me thinking about just how important my online communities are to me. Ever since starting Embrace Fertility I have found having a group of like-minded women on hand to understand and cheer me up invaluable. The 5 people you need So back to my basketball analogy. There are the five types of people you need in your support network. Some of your friends may hit more than one box so it’s not to say these need to be five totally different people or groups. As you read through make a mental note of who you have on call for each. Blog version als