Kevin Whitsitt

How Can I Bring Traffic to Affilaite Links?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 way to promote affiliate offers. Hello, how can I bring traffic to affiliate links? There really is an insane amount of ways of getting traffic. What I encourage you to do is to get the most amount of money per lead you generate. The reason why is because you work less and make more money. You can do this by driving the traffic to an optin form and build a list. Then with the list you can promote a wide range of products and services to help someone. How do you drive traffic to the optin form? There is paid traffic and there is free traffic. My number 1 source of traffic might just be Twitter believe it or not. I have many different accounts and I simply follow people in my niche. Some of those people will follow me back. I use a service to automatically send out tweets. These tweets promote my optin page, quotes, pictures and YouTube videos I've made and articles. It's really that simple and it works very well. I also promote my optin pa