Anderson Cooper 360

Amid Criticism From Congress And Bloodshed In Syria, Pres. Trump Moves To Sanction Turkey; Pres. Trump Ex-Russia Adviser Wraps Up Testimony On Capitol Hill



Amid Criticism From Congress And Bloodshed In Syria, Pres. Trump Moves To Sanction Turkey; Pres. Trump Threatens Sanctions On Turkey Over Syria Offensive As Sen. McConnell Rebukes His Decision To Pull U.S. Troops; VP Pence To Travel To Turkey; Will Try To Broker Ceasefire Between Turkey, Syria And Kurdish Forces; Pres. Trump Under Pressure From Congress: "Small Footprint" Of U.S. Forces Will Remain In Southern Syria; WSJ: Feds Scrutinize Giuliani's Ukraine Dealings; Pres. Trump Under Pressure From Congress: "Small Footprint Of U.S. Forces Will Remain In Southern Syria; Dem Congressman: Pres. Trump Ex-Russia Adviser Wraps Up Testimony On Capitol Hill; Dem Congressman: Pres. Trump's Ex-Russia Adviser Raised Concerns About "Shadow Foreign Policy" Run By Giuliani; Demo Congressman: Pres. Trump's Ex-Russia Adviser Was A "Powerful And Effective Witness"; WSJ: Feds Scrutinize Giuliani's Ukraine Dealings'; WSJ: Giuliani's Bank Records Examined; Witness