Anderson Cooper 360

GOP Congressman Critical Of President; Caution Flag; Pres. Trump: My Family Runs My Business Now; Doral Reversal



Wash. Post: Russian President Putin And Hungary's Prime Minister Helped Sour President Trump On Ukraine; GOP Rep. Rooney: "Fine" To Have Impeachment Inquiry, John Bolton Should Testify, Romney Is "Courageous"; President Trump Claims He's A Victim Of The "Phony" Emoluments Clause, But It's Part Of The US Constitution; G7 Will Not Be Held At The President's Resort After Bipartisan Backlash; Pres. Trump Compares Himself To George Washington In Rambling Cabinet Meeting; CNN Exclusive: Plans For Gold Mine In Pristine Area Of Alaska Facing More Controversy; Plans For Gold Mine In Pristine Area Of Alaska Facing More Controversy Over Alleged Insider Trading Questions; Dem Senators Urge FBI, Sec To Probe Reports Of "Suspicious Trading" Timed To Pres. Trump's Comments On Trade War via Knit