Anderson Cooper 360

House Dems Release Testimony Of Key Impeachment Witnesses; White House Reaction; Another Taxing Decision; Tax Return Fight; Unlawful Unmasking Effort



House Dems Release Testimony Of Key Impeachment Witnesses; Ex-Ukraine Ambassador: I Felt Threatened By Pres. Trump; Ex-U.S. Diplomat Testified That Trump's Allies Were Planning To "Do Things, Including To Me"; Ex-AMB. Testified Diplomat Sondland Suggested She Praise Pres. Trump: "You Need To Go Big Or Go Home"; Ex-U.S. Ambassador Told She Needed To Come Back From Ukraine On "Next Plane Home" Because Of Her "Security"; Ex-State Dept. Official Testified He Resigned Over Diplomats Being Used To Advance Political Goals; Former Pompeo Adviser Contradicts Pompeo, Says He Pleaded With Him To Publicly Defend Amb. To Ukraine; GOP Rep. Scalise: Dems Are Selectively Releasing Transcripts From Their Closed-Door Hearings; Reaction From Intel Committee Member; Key Decision In Pres. Trump's Tax Return Battle; Appeals Court Orders Pres. Trump To Turn Over 8 Years Of Tax Returns, President's Lawyer Vows Super Court Battle; Pres. Trump Trying To Unmask Whistleblower Protec