Tri Talk Sa

11 Global Weekend, Pietie Coetzee and Robin Hide from Modern Athlete



TalkFEED — We spent the last weekend up at Sun City for the 11 Global that took place at the resort over the weekend and what an amazing weekend it was. We have a jam packed show for you this weekend and on Tri Talk SA this week: Jaryd Browne raced his last race as a junior and we caught up with him after his win in the Sprint race on Saturday.We spoke to Wikus Weber after he was the first elite athlete home in the Sprint. Wikus went on to win the Standard distance race on Sunday too and in doing so claimed the Eleven Squared title for the fastest combined time over the weekend.Sam Harrington was the first lady home on Sunday and we chatted to her about her recent marriage as well as her great win on Sunday.Miguel Viera, the first Angolan to finish an Ironman, spoke to us about his race on Sunday and what he has planned for the upcoming season.The inspiring Frans Lotter completed the standard distance race on Sunday having just completed a course of chemotherapy following being diagnosed with cancer les