Tri Talk Sa

Kate Roberts – 3 Tips to becoming a better triathlete



TalkFEED — Before we get going I just wanted to wish you a very happy New Year. We really hope that 2014 is an amazing year for you. We kick the year off with an interview we did with one of the best triathletes South Africa has ever produced. On Episode 22 of Tri Talk SA:Brad talks about Tri Talk SA’s Ironman 70.3’s Webinar that, if you are doing your first half Ironman triathlon, you do not want to miss. To find out more and to register, click here.Kate Roberts shares some of her life with us and talks about life at the sharp end of triathlon. Kate tells Brad about some of the big changes she has made for 2014, including changing coaches and moving her training base back into South Africa. Kate also shares 3 tips on how to get better as a triathlete. If you are a newbie wanting to get better, an age grouper wanting to podium or if you are thinking of turning pro then you need to hear these three tips.Don’t forget too that you can get your free Tri Talk SA checklist here to make sure you forget nothing