Second Spring Queen

Multi Orgasmic You



In this episode I dive into the juicy, sometimes controversial topic of our multi orgasmic nature and how to cultivate it. Here’s the thing. All humans are multi orgasmic. Every single human has this innate gift at their disposal and in this episode I’ll be focusing on women and I’ll give you three simple ways to start claiming yours. In this episode I cover: What does it mean to be multi orgasmic? Multi orgasmic vs climax. Why would you want to cultivate your multi orgasmic potential? Three simple tips to claim your multi orgasmic potential. A very juicy guided meditation to land your pleasure anytime, anywhere. How to take it further. There’s always more. Let’s dive in! When you’re ready for more, I’m ready for you! The Jade Egg Practice is the best practice I know of to cultivate your multi-orgasmic potential. Get a free Jade Egg guide for beginners and 7 guided audio practices including the Wild Orchid Meditation practice and a Breast Massage practice. You can get access to all of that right here.