Race Chaser With Alaska & Willam

HOT GOSS #35: Stupid Love, Miss Information, and a Straight Up MF Dick Pig



Alaska and Willam dive deep into gossip, conjecture, and the DM's! THIS EPISODE SPONSORED BY BETTER HELP: *Get 10% Off your First Month at betterhelp.com/drag FOLLOW ALASKA https://twitter.com/Alaska5000 https://www.instagram.com/theonlyalaska5000 https://www.facebook.com/AlaskaThunder https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vnKqhNky1BcWqXbDs0NAQ FOLLOW WILLAM https://twitter.com/willam https://www.instagram.com/willam https://www.facebook.com/willam https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrO9hj5VqGJufBlVJy-8D1g HOT GOSS IS A FOREVER DOG PODCAST https://foreverdogpodcasts.com/podcasts/race-chaser/