Know Pain, Know Gain

094: The Intersection of Love and Entrepreneurship with Theora Moench



“Investing your time, money and energy is the only way that you create transformative results in any area of your life.” -Theora Moench In this episode, Jay learns from Theora Moench, a love and relationship expert who shares her insights about the intersection of love and entrepreneurship.  All entrepreneurs need more love, so here are some of the things they talked about: when it comes to love, little changes yield big results, how to get as good at love as you are at business, entrepreneurship, and relationships as vehicles for personal growth, how to create healthy relationships during stressful times, how time fixes nothing, and so much more...   Visit  for resources and show notes.    Check out my website:    Follow me on: Facebook: LinkedIn:  Twitter:   Episode Highlights: 02:24 Missing the Relationship Norm 06:46 What Is Love?- Not Your Typical Definition 14:22 The Difference Between Business and Love  22:22 The ROIs of Love  26:54 Entrep