Jochum Strength Podcast

Episode 24 - Dr. Adam Korak - Biomechanics, Leadership and Keeping Doors Open



Nugget Of the Day: “Men become builders by building houses, musicians by playing music and professors by being life long students” This quote leads us into our guest today, Dr. Adam Korak, a biomechanics professor at the University of St. Thomas, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach head of the St.Thomas strength and conditioning club and die hard Alabama fan, he is always looking for ways to learn and teach in life. I have the pleasure of working with Dr.Korak at UST and one of my favorite things about talking with him is the different lenses he sees things through as an academic and how we are able to bump thoughts back and forth from what actually goes on in the weight room and what is happening in the research. Today we talked about the mindset behind keeping doors open, how biomechanics can help with athletic development and what your role as a leader is.  I’m really excited for you guys to listen!