Pain Waves

How the Canadian Pain Task Force is identifying and addressing barriers to pain care across Canada



In this special episode of the Pain Waves podcast, we share a recent episode from the Pain Talk podcast. Hosted by Dr. Maureen Allen, a palliative and emergency care physician in Nova Scotia, Pain Talk brings together experts who study and support individuals living with persistent pain.In this two-part episode, Dr. Allen speaks to Canadian Pain Task Force co-chairs, Maria Hudspith and Dr. Fiona Campbell, to learn more about what the Task Force is doing to identify and address the barriers that prevent Canadians with persistent pain from receiving the care and treatment they need. Maria and Fiona also highlight specific insights that were uncovered in the Task Force’s first of three reports, which was delivered to Health Canada in June of 2019.More information about the Canadian Pain Task Force can be found here: information about Pain Talk: