Thanks, Academy!

Spotlight with Lea'h Sampson



We were supposed to watch 3-hour Mozart marathon "Amadeus," but couldn't find a legal copy to stream, so we quickly rolled the dice again and landed on this recent winner about the Boston Globe's expose of the Catholic church's worldwide conspiracy to aid and abet child abuse. As a former newspaper reporter (and ex-Catholic, thanks to this very Globe series), this was like candy, watching a team of journalists slowly and methodically uncover one of the biggest news stories of all time. For a movie about paperwork, it's astoundingly riveting, and the acting is nothing short of phenomenal, as understated as it is. Lea'h and I also get into how much has changed about exposes in just the 16 years since this movie took place (heck, even in the 3 years since this movie came out) thanks to #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo. We also talk about silly stuff.