Nion Radio With Nick Onken

84 Ten Books for Creative Entrepreneurs Pt 2



I’m constantly reminding myself to be grateful for what I have and where I’m at, and also to think outward. Today I’m continuing my list of my top books for the creative entrepreneur. You can listen to part one of my list here. These books are great for learning about creativity, both the artistic process and the business side of it. The books on this list will inspire you to create greatness and give back to the community. Whether you’re a creative entrepreneur or an entrepreneur in general, I think these books will be super helpful to you. People skills, I believe, are essential to any entrepreneur, and especially an artist. Some things we learn in this podcast: How to master the money game with Tony Robbins’ book Money: Master the Game [3:10] Why I think every entrepreneur should read Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs [3:55] Distilling your best attributes with help from Sally Hogshead [4:45] Creating greatness with Lewis Howes’ book The School of Greatness [6:00] How The Promise of a P