Daily Quote Podcast

Episode 166 - Life is not a one way street.



The Daily Quote Podcast will highlight a quote every day. I'll discuss how it has moved me and how it can also be meaningful to listeners also. â??Life is not a one-way street. What I do, what I say, even what I think, inevitably has a direct effect on my relationships with others. I am certain that in the degree that my attitude towards others has given convincing proof of loyalty, sincerity, honesty, courtesy, and fairness, I have encouraged in others the same attitude towards me. Respect begets respect, suspicion begets suspicion, hate begets hate. It has been well said that â??The only way to have a friend is to be one.â??â??â?? Herbert H. Lehman Leave us a comment www.dailyquotepodcast.com listener line (786) 693-2290 email contact@dailyquotepodcast.com