Divorce Talk With Nicola Beer

Love Is A Gift Not A Transaction - Marriage Support



Do you ever weigh up what you have done in your relationship and what your partner has done? Do you reach the conclusion you are doing and giving way more? Do you feel frustrated, annoyed or generally negative inside when you do this? If the answer is yes then you have fallen into the trap of turning your love into a transaction. Transactions are for businesses and banks, not relationships. I am guilty of this myself, but now stop this way of thinking because it gets you and your relationship no where. To some degree I think many of us think “I am doing this for you, what are you doing for me?” from time to time. But if you let this be the way your relationship works, then it becomes a balance book marriage - where you hope and try to even everything out. This damages the relationship because when we give love to get something back and when we want the marriage to be equal: giving and getting, we are acting from a mentality of fear, scarcity and lack. We don’t think there is enough love to get or give,