Willetton Christian Church

"Don't Be Like The Mocker"



Pr 1:7; 13:1; 15:5,12; 26:10-11... Dan Kroon. Last week we saw that what makes a fool has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with a lack of self-discipline, self-restraint and self-control. The fool runs off at the mouth and lets anger and greed go unchecked. This week we’ll see that the other major folly of the fool is to ignore and scoff at guidance, correction and discipline. That’s why the fool is often referred to as the mocker. And the mocker lacks wisdom because they refuse to listen to anyone else. They are wise in their own eyes and see no need for the help of others, including God. Maybe not many of us would consider ourselves to be like the mocker, but the scoffing attitude can very easily and subtly seep into our lives. And the very nature of it means we are ignorant of its presence.