Willetton Christian Church

"God Is The Liar"



Genesis 3:1-7. Dan Kroon. Jesus calls Satan the 'father of lies', saying that lies and deceit are his native language (Jn 8). And when we look back at the serpent's introduction in Genesis 3, we see very quickly the truth of the devil's lying nature. The lies that he still tells today, to both Christians and non-Christians alike. The lies about who God is and who we are. The lies that lead to sin and death. This Sunday night we're going to consider the lie of the devil that denies the truthfulness of God. The lie that says, "I'm not the liar here; God is. But don't take my word for it – see for yourself. Taste for yourself. Judge for yourself." If you ever suffer times of doubt or you play 'devil's advocate' with yourself, you might need to remember the attacks of the devils's lies and the truth of God's word.